These are the results of the survey I commenced in Utrecht on the 14th of May 2023

The main goal of the survey is to give an overview of the biking infrastructure in Utrecht, focusing on the bike garages, as well as the user profile of said infrastructure. All in all, 78 people took part in this survey.

Q1: Please state your age.

Q2: Please state your gender.

Q3: From how far did you come today?

Q4: How often do you travel by bike?

Q5: How do you get to work/school/university?

Q6: What is your preferred method of transportation in general?

Q7: How would you rate the biking infrastructure in Utrecht?

Q8: Have you ever used a bike garage before?

Q9: Have you used a bike garage in Utrecht?

Q10: If so, how would you rate your experience?

Q11: If you used the bike garage, what did you like about it (+) and what do you think could be improved (-)?

(These are some examples of all the answers, that reoccured a few times)

Q12: What do you like about biking (+) in Utrecht and what do you think could be improved  (-)?

(These are some examples of all the answers, that reoccured a few times)